Winning Over Italy

A Year in the Day.


I’m standing on the raw balcony, looking down on the ripening oranges, lemons and mandarins……and the cat fertilising the broccoli.   As I reflect on all the new experiences we’ve managed to pack into 12 short months, I wonder what the next twelve will bring.  It’s a mild 20 degrees as the Scirocco sweeps in gently from the Sahara and the stars glitter like Christmas lights around the full moon.   At this rate I’ll be able to do what I did last year on New Year’s Eve…..sit on the beach in the late afternoon and watch the sun sigh on the old year, with my guitar and a good book.  No-one to disturb on the deserted sands but the soft surf kissing the shingle.  Perhaps this time I’ll build a little fire so Maria and I can see in the new year,  just the two of us, watching the crescent moon and the distant glimpse of fireworks light up Sicilian villages across the water.  We will think of folk back home and clink a glass of prosecco to those we miss and those we’ll meet again soon.  Oh my heart be still!

This calls for a montage (soundtrack ideas welcome).   Season’s greetings and good tidings for the new year and I leave you with some of ‘Winning Over Italy’s’ highlights of 2010.   Thank you all for reading and being so kind with your comments.  Slainte!