Winning Over Italy


CC Winning

CC Winning, Charles Cameron Winning, è nato, cresciuto e ha studiato a Glasgow, Scozia. Dall'età di 14 anni ha sempre scritto, principalmente canzoni, quindi dopo aver conseguito la laurea in Hotel Management si è trasferito a Londra per essere più vicina alla scena musicale. Si è sostenuto con lavori in l'attività alberghiera fino a quando non ha avuto l'opportunità di lavorare nella musica industria.
A partire dal supporto in studio è diventato più coinvolto produzione e gestione della produzione lavorando al fianco di molti famosi artisti. Il live aid è stato un momento intenso. Dopo la nascita di sua figlia Daisy, è tornato a una carriera più stabile. Prima come responsabile acquisti per una società legale e poi come golf club manager. Poi ha incontrato sua moglie Maria che ha incoraggiato il suo talento di scrittore e lavoro creativo.

On Italy

They came to Italy in 2009 to escape the economic downturn. He sold up his business he had working with some of the world’s most prominent chefs and restaurants and moved to seek a better way to develop his creative side. At first he thought he would put a blues trio together for fun until he realised that the musicians in Calabria were so much better than he expected. So the beginning of an album ensued. A blog came next. This got the attention of a successful travel writer and his agent. At this point there was only one way things were going to go…Becoming an author.


He has been a restaurant manager at a famous restaurant, a hotel chef, a catering manager, a golf club manager, a purchasing manager and even a taxi driver. He has had his own business, been a music producer manager, a roadie and a stage technician. Finally as an English teacher. There have been many funny and interesting stories along his journey but few can be repeated in public, at least while the protagonists are still with us. What goes on tour stays on tour. Some however, may appear in the songs and stories.

I’ve visited more than 25 countries around the world